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Wednesday, 6 April 2016

How to Make a Nutty Putty Cake

Get cooking with a little less mess than the real thing – use Nutty Putty! You can bake it in the oven, just like a real cake, except your little ones will still be able to play with it afterwards for many months to come!

How to Make a Nutty Putty Cake

Skill Level: Children 4+ / beginners
Time to Make: 45 mins

You Will Need

How to Make

1. Cut the yellow in half and roll out a thin piece, cut out 4 or 5 butterflies using the little shape cutter from the kit (or any other shape you might prefer in the box eg. bunny or chick shapes). Put them on the baking sheet.
How to Make a Nutty Putty Cake #nuttyputty #kids #craftP1080361
2. For the putty candles you can roll out some yellow, cut into strips as shown and then roll up using with your finger. Put them on the baking sheet.

Top Tip! . . .

Nutty Putty is mixable so if you wanted pink putty candles you can mix some red and white!
3. Put the butterflies and the candles in the oven for 10 mins.
4. Whilst they are baking, make lots of tiny round balls with the brown and stick them onto the cake mold. (This will keep little fingers busy for some time!) This is great for hand eye coordination and pincer grip!
How to Make a Nutty Putty Cake #nuttyputty #kids #craft
5. Take the butterflies and candles out of the oven out and leave to cool. Once cooled you can stick the butterflies onto the cake mold (because the putty on the mold is still unbaked).
6. Add a strip of Nutty Putty between the butterflies for a ribbon effect and re-bake the whole creation for another 10 mins.

Top Tip! . . .

Follow instructions in the cake deco box for more ideas and more yummy looking treats! 
How to Make a Nutty Putty Cake #nuttyputty #kids #craft

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